What is the TDL — The Dapp List

Pranav Shah
1 min readJun 18, 2021

The Dapp List - $WISE — (TDL) is:

The Dapp List is manifesting a Multichain Ecosystem for Web3 Adoption Curation. It accomplishes this by removing centralised authority, assisting developers, and providing a safe environment for users to explore and interact with dapps.

What exactly is it? Blockchain and decentralised apps have gained traction over time, but as scams and rug-pulls continue to proliferate, public distrust grows.

With millions of users actively engaging and interested in web3, it’s time to recognise the roadblocks in the web3 ecosystem.

Currently, the user base that actively participates in web3 ventures consists primarily of tech-savvy individuals, web3 enthusiasts who adore the concept of cryptography and decentralisation, and others with a basic understanding of financial systems and economics.

Even with such strong backgrounds, it can be difficult to distinguish between projects they can trust and incorporate into their existing institution. Furthermore, when it comes to new entrants, they are prone to falling for gimmicks, and the cycle of ‘crypto is scary’ narrative persists.

The mystery here isn’t limited to users. Due to a lack of support, infrastructure, and guidance, developers with innovative ideas and high potential fall behind. Furthermore, the centralised nature of existing app stores degrades the user experience, and even developers struggle to comply with their publishing policies.

Watch to Learn More.

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